Thursday, June 3, 2010

Meg Coulter- Make.Shift co-director

Western senior Meg Coulter said she is the Co-chair of Make.Shift, a group that attempts to lessen the environmental imapct of Musicians and their shows. She will be graduating from Western on June 12

This is the logo for the Make.Shift group on a shirt worn by Coulter.

The bike, when pedaled, turns a magnet which in turn sends an electrical charge to a DC/AC inverter, Coulter said.

“It's like plugging into a wall a socket then,” Coulter said.

The battery is from Mac and Mac Electric on Iowa Street. The Bike is currently at The American Museum of Radio and Electricity on Bay Street. The group has done two seminars about the bike since its been there, Carl Nemeth, 80, museum employee, said.

Coulter said the group is working with Whatcom All-ages Arts & Music to find a place for musicians to practice during the day and to be able to put on concerts during the day. The Poster is part of re-branding effort to promote the group

Coulter said she is making mass copies of a photo of her sculpture, titled 'Sweetpea,' for a group exchange of works in a photo class.

Coulter said after graduating she will be traveling this summer, leaving Make.Shift in the hands of others until spring of next year.

“Thank god if I pass Biology 101,” Coulter said.

Then she and Cat Sieh, the other Co-Director of Make.Shift, will go on a trip to Europe.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Site, change your links

Please go to my new blog, new content to appear soon and I will begin migrating content over there shortly.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Photo Illustration

This is an illustration of student debt, the bags are representative of debt. The tassel is supposed to be graduation.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Elusive Western Grad-students

Michael Nutting, 24, and David Delgado, 28, try to play pool together about three times a week. Delgado has a Master's degree in piano performance, while Nutting has a bachelor's degree in piano performance. They started playing pool together more often when they were both working on their senior projects, Nutting said.

“[It's] like an oasis of pool in the middle of six to eight hours of piano,” Nutting said.

Delgado decided to come back for a degree in physics, technically making him a freshman. He said that he has always been interested in the subject.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Portrait: TJ Tipton of Cosmic Comics

Tj Tipton, 40, started Cosmic Comics on Cornwall Avenue in 1992. He said he feels pretty lucky to be still selling comics after 18 years.
“I’ve seen a lot of other shops come and go,” Tipton said.
He said by items other than comics, like Magic Cards and Disc Golf accessories, have helped keep the store running.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ice Breaker assignment

Cody Hagler, 28, is a student teacher at Bellingham High School. He said he would never eat Kangaroo meat again. He said it tasted gamey and salty

“I guess I’m not that Adventurous,” Hagler said.

Nick Dillon, 23, a WWU creative Writing grad, said he would never drink Komboucha again.

“Why the F@@@ would anyone consume that on a regular basis,” he said.

Dillion Mckay, 32, is an instructor at Toni and Guy in downtown Bellingham, said he would never eat live shrimp again

“As you bit down on it, it got really wiggly,” he said.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Disposable camera

Emiko Peterson-Yoon, 16, and Angelica Emily, 15, run a Web site called that they say they hope will host art from other artists in the future. So far, Peterson- Yoon and Emily are the only two who have posted.
“We’re trying to make the world a non-stupid place through our comics,” Peterson-Yoon said.